It’s a small world

With a startling crash, he plundered down to Earth, denting the once sturdy ground beneath him. There was not a single sign of civilisation for hundreds of miles in each direction. He was alone. As he began to take in the desolation of his surroundings, he fumbled for something sturdy to hold onto. Curiously, he reached for a small bundle of dark feathers that appeared to be levitating above his head, hoping that it would provide him with some stability. As a result, the bundle made a high pitched noise, before falling into his huge hand. He felt it pulsating slightly in his palm, which he lifted up to his face and carefully examined. Bewildered, he watched as its tiny ribs rose and fell every second. Its feathers were dark, like midnight, and its eyes were half closed. He put his ear to the small creature, and heard its raspy breathing. It reminded him of home.

He closed his eyes, picturing the land from which he had just fallen. His beautiful hen that called out to him every morning, just like the creature in his hand had. His kingdom of riches, his bath of gold, his floor of marble. All of that, gone, only to be switched for a plane of sand and dirt, accompanied by a bright light as scorching as his kingdom’s fireplace. Everything was perfect in the land he called his own; down here the air was dirty and everything appeared to be minuscule.

Feeling extremely parched, he managed to stand up, and looked out at the vast mass of land that surrounded him. He squinted his eyes, trying to find something resembling water, but he was unsuccessful. Startled, he remembered the small creature laying in his hand. It’s ribs were no longer rising and falling, and its eyes were now fully open, but showed no sign of life. “I could eat it”, he muttered to himself, but it reminded him too much of his precious hen, whom he so desperately wanted to see again, surrounded by its glowing golden eggs, but he knew this was a one-way trip. With a sigh, he laid the creature down gently, and covered it with a handful of sand.

Sunlight continued to scorch his almost bare body, as he took each huge footstep closer to what he was looking for. After several hours of stepping over huge bumps in the ground, and losing his vision due to the fog that he faced from his chest upwards, he reached a patch of land covered in concrete slabs, intricately carved into little pointed squares. Around each piece of concrete, he saw them. The small creatures, each wrapped in a unique piece of fabric, calling out to each other in high pitched voices. In his kingdom, they were referred to as humans. To him, they were referred to as dinner. Drooling in anticipation, he knelt down- his feast had begun.

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