Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.

"She's not who she says she is."

Write a story that involves this line of speech.

Going Backwards

Its been four years, eight months and twenty seven days since Leanne and Carla had broken up. Leanne still had very strong and romantic feeling’s for Carla but Leanne knows Carla doesn’t feel the same. Leanne pleaded to move on from Carla and decided to make a dating profile, while making the dating profile it came to Leanne adding photos and she was seeing the photos of her with Carla which she shook off while trying to find nice photos of herself.

Leanne cracks on with my work from home running her own business when she gets a ‘ping’ notification from someone called Sarah. Leanne opens the notification to see Sarah has sent her a message, Leanne opens the message which reads “hi my name is Sarah, I think your honestly so beautiful and I was wondering if we could get to know each other a little more. Hope to hear from you soon” Leanne looks at the message and smiles while clicking onto the profile, as Leanne is skimming through Sarah’s profile she likes the fact that Sarah isn’t too far away and they have similar interests and life goals. The work phone rings so Leanne takes the call.

Leanne wakes up to a reply from Sarah after not hearing back from the reply she sent back to Sarah yesterday “good morning sorry I was a asleep when you messaged me yesterday. I have work from 7pm til 6am but I was thinking maybe we could meet for coffee and chat a little more instead of a site?” Leanne thinks about what Sarah has said while she gets out of bed to take a shower. Before entering the shower Leanne sends a message back to Sarah “sounds great! Send me the time and location I’ll be there. Just taking a shower”.

Leanne is driving towards the coffee shop, she has butterflies and anxious running through her body. It’s been along time since Leanne thought about dating anyone since Carla. Leanne pulls up in front of the coffee shop, Sarah already sees Leanne sorting her bag out so Sarah opens the car door for her “hello beautiful, pictures really do you no justice!” Sarah says sweetly with a smile, Leanne looks up and giggles “sorry I was sorting my bag out! But please I’m not really all that but thank you it was lovely to hear. I think I’m kind of pushing above with you though” Sarah looks at Leanne with confusion and curiosity “what makes you say that? Your absolutely beautiful” Leanne rolls her eyes “I’ve been with narcissistic people who have belittled me so that’s all I expect but that isn’t your bridge to rebuild everything’s fine and things take time” I explain to Sarah as she takes my hand as we walk into the coffee shop.

“So tell me what’s your current life goals we have spoken about your long term goals but I mean in the mean time of it all?” Asks Sarah with caring voice. Leanne sits and thinks about whether she wants to talk about it with anyone since she hasn’t spoke to anyone about her business idea “a mobile bakery” Leanne replied. Sarah’s face glows up “oh yes! That sounds amazing! What would you call it?” Leanne smiles “I’m so glad you feel that way! I do too just haven’t spoken about to anyone yet as I don’t want to tell people my plans and it doesn’t work out. You know what I mean?” Leanne says with a sad tone in her voice.

Leanne goes to bed that night dreaming of her mobile bakery, the smell of bread and donuts cooking while the line of customers start to line up with Sarah standing beside her. Leanne and Sarah served three people and then she saw her Leanne had saw the person she was trying to avoid for so long… In front of her was standing Carla. Leanne is shocked and Sarah is fuming “umm… what are you doing here Carla?” Leanne says as struggles to get her words out “she’s not who’s she says she is, she’s with you to annoy me because she knows I still love you” Sarah looks like she’s been caught out.

Leanne wakes up panting, sweating and crying but Sarah rushes up from being asleep to comfort her “baby girl what’s wrong? Nightmare?” Leanne leans into Sarah’s chest and sobs. Sarah turns the bedside lamp on so she can get Leanne some tissues “here you go, do you want to talk about it?” Leanne shakes her head “I’m ok, just a nightmare it’s not real”.

The morning comes and Leanne feels like something is off. Leanne checks her old TikTok account to see a message from a few friends and a message request Leanne clicks onto it and it opens up. Leanne stares at her screen without expression for what feels like forever but infact was only for seven minutes and five seconds. The message is from Carla “Look I know it’s been four years, but I’ve seen your with Sarah? She’s not who she says she is (picture attached) she’s with you because she knows that I’m still in love with you, I just didn’t know how to tell you after I broke your heart all those years ago”. Leannes world feels like it’s just turned upside down in a split second, her phone beeps to see a notification from Sarah which reads “I love you I’ll be home soon”. The laptop pings as Carla comes online and sees that Leanne has read the message, Leanne feels anxious as Carla starts to type again “I’m not lying about anything I can prove it to you if you just allow me to see you, I don’t want to hurt you, I never did… just meet me? Just me and you” Leanne sits and thinks about it and starts to write back “look I don’t even know what to say, I didn’t know how I would feel with being in contact with you again let alone meeting up with you. Sarah is on her way to me so if she lies to me it’s over” Leanne logs out and closes the laptop when she sees Sarah has pulled up on the driveway beside my car.

Leanne and Sarah sit round the dining room table “I know you are friends with her” Leanne says in a annoyed tone. Sarah looks at her “no I don’t know what you mean? You know I don’t have many friends” Sarah looks confused as this conversation continues until Leanne says “so your not best friends with my ex girlfriend?” As her heart breaks in her chest. Sarah tries to hide the lie in her expression “no course not why would you even say that?” And Leanne’s heart shattered into pieces because she knew the truth to that lie. Leanne stands up “I think you should leave, I know your lying to me I have photo evidence that your friends with her, you’ve lied to me since we first started speaking why??? Actually I don’t want to know just get out! Leanne exclaimed angrily. Sarah walks out and shuts the door behind her while Leanne slumps down into the sofa and cries because her world has just crumbled into small pieces.

Laying in bed Leanne checks the TikTok on her phone and sees that Carla has replied and is also online “I know you don’t believe me and I no reason to ask you too but please it’s true. About Sarah and about me loving you. Message me 07848493721 we can meet up if you feel like it? I know your probably feeling like crap right about now?” As Leanne reads message and is about to reply she receives another form Carla “hey how did it go? Did she admit it?”. Leanne struggles with what she wants to write so she simply replies “meet me, I’ll send you the location”. As Leanne starts to get ready she hears a ping from TikTok confirming that Carla agreed to meet at Leanne’s home.

Its been twenty seven minutes and there’s a knock at the door. Leanne walks to the door, she turns to the long sized mirror before opening the door to Carla “wow… you look amazing, are you ready to go?” Carla asks calmly holding out her hand for Leanne to hold. Leanne nods as Carla leads them both to the car, Carla opens Leanne’s door and closes it once she is comfortable inside, when leanne has her seat belt on she relaxes remembering all the memories in the car they shared before separating “penny for a thought?” Carla asks as she puts her seat belt on. Leanne looks around “just memories, they stay for a life time” Carla takes Leanne’s hand “we will be making more memories, I never want to be apart again”.

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