‘It had been fifteen years since the sun had last risen.’
Write a short story that begins with this line. Is it real or metaphorical?
No Sunlight
It had been fifteen years since the sun had last risen. That was so long ago… 15 years. We have been stuck in the glowing moonlight for so long. I’m sure if the sun suddenly decides to come back and shine in our faces, we would melt. Possibly literally melt. The kids would be so confused and scared. I’d be scared too. It’s been dark for so long, no one knows what happened. Scientists are starting to give up trying to solve this mystery. It’s been so long that kids don’t even believe there was a time that a glowing huge lightbulb was in the sky for 12 hours every day. They think it’s a myth. It might as well be. No point in telling kids about it, especially if it won’t happen again, and they don’t even believe it.