This Is How I Die

I ran and ran and ran. This is how I die. This is how I die. I stopped running I had to, stupid asthma wouldn’t let me run anymore. I’m okay I ran far enough. I’m in the middle of the woods. Great. I felt someone tap my shoulder. Don’t turn! Don’t turn! Don’t turn!

“I could’ve drove you, but you had to be an ungrateful brat.”

I woke up sweating and panting. My heart raced as if I had really ran through the forest in my nightmare.

“Cali! Your not going to get to your meeting on time!” my roommate shouted.

“I’m up!” I called back

Luckily I had all of my suitcase packed for up north. I threw my hair into a messy bun before grabbing my luggage and walking out the door I quickly grabbed a piece of toast from the toaster.

“That was mine,” Maddie said.

“Too bad plus I deserve it after running for my life.”

She rolled her eyes knowing about my dreams and waved me away, “Have fun!”

I groaned. I got on the road. As I drove further north up to the cabin where my work was having a meeting/party thing, the trees got thicker and thicker. My music was so loud, I didn’t even realize when my car started sounding funny. I finally turned down the music to listen and heard my car dying.

“No no no!” I said to myself trying not to cry.

I pulled into a random gas station on the side of the road. Who builds a gas station in the middle of a forest? I walked into the shop hugging my arms to my chest from the cold breeze.

“Hello welcome in,” a raspy, not so welcoming voice says. “Could I help you?”

I studied the old man, who looked as if he hadn’t showered but oddly smelled sweet of vanilla.

“Yes actually. My car just died I was wondering if you knew what I could do. I have to be somewhere in about an hour, so I’m kind of in a rush. It’s just the cabin up the road.”

“The rental party cabin got it. I could drive you up there if you’d like. You could call a mechanic or tow company while your at the cabin. If you can get service.”

The last sentence was soft and eerie. I shook my head.

“I’m okay it’s not that far of a walk according to my phone and i only have one suitcase. I’ll walk but thanks for offering. Could I just keep it parked?”

He nodded slowly and I thanked him before walking out. I grabbed my bag quickly, feeling eyes of me. I put the directions into my phone GPS and started walking. Really it was a 45 minute walk, which wasn’t bad but also long. I didn’t want to sit in the car with the man. Suddenly though I heard a car behind me, i waited for it to pass but it never did. I turned my head to see a old run down truck.

“Get in, I’ll drive you,” the old man stated.

“I’m truly fine walking I enjoy it but thank you sir-“

“Get in.”

Was he mad at me? His eyes were wide and crazy. I saw a silver, sharp object in his hand. My gut dropped and I dropped my bag and ran. He wouldn’t catch me he was an old man. I ran up the road, which I soon realized wasn’t smart considering he had a truck. So, I ran into the thick wilderness. I heard a car door slam.

I ran and ran and ran. This is how I die. This is how I die. I stopped running I had to, stupid asthma wouldn’t let me run anymore. I’m okay I ran far enough. I’m in the middle of the woods. Great. I felt someone tap my shoulder. Don’t turn! Don’t turn! Don’t turn!

“I could’ve drove you, but you had to be an ungrateful brat.”

I tried to say something, but my breath was taken for me. I held my stomach and looked at the red blood slowly staining my hands. I tried to keep my eyes open but my sight went black. I heard footsteps walking away and the trees rustling in the wind. But my thoughts were louder than everything else.

What about Maddie? Work? School?

This isn’t how I die…

This isn’t how I die…

This isn’t how…


Then silence.

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