The Confession

The past few weeks, perhaps even months, Damon had been thinking endlessly about her. The ruminating was enough to induce lunacy. He was possessed with all the feelings that came with a blossoming romance in its preliminary stages, however he hadn’t felt anything of this magnitude before. This time, he was thirsting for her company. Longing to see how she grinned at his comedic charm, with petal-like lips ever so slightly parted. How she spoke his name, elevating each syllable into a poetic melody. The way she brushed her fingers through waves of jet black hair. Effortlessly beautiful, without even knowing it.

Uncharacteristically, the moment they were alone, Damon lost all sense of his renowned nonchalant composure. As they sat at a table across from each other in the low lit bar, he found his gaze shying away from hers.

“Have you enjoyed tonight?” She questioned.

He felt heat rising to his cheeks and was sure they were flushed crimson, as he realized she could most likely sense his awkwardness.

Without meeting her eyes, he replied “Yeah, I have. Have you?”

After a few moments of sparse small talk, he was roused from his timid apprehension, prompted by his inability to quiet his thoughts about her. He reached across the wooden table and placed his hand upon hers, causing her to look at him even more intently than before.

“I have to tell you something” he started, feeling the words charging out of him at an unruly pace. “I know that if I don’t say it, I will regret it forever. And if I’m being honest, I don’t know how I’ve managed to contain it for so long”.

He paused, closed his eyes and proceeded, “I love you. I’m in love with you. I have been in love with you for what feels like an eternity and I know it’s insane and I know I’m putting you in the worst position by telling you, but I just couldn’t go another day, another second without you knowing.”

He observed her expression. Her eyes welled and her lips quivered, but before the words could manifest themselves, they were interrupted.

“Here we go guys. They ran out of the beer you wanted on tap, so I got you this one. Is that okay?”

Damon gazed up and nodded as the drinks were laid out in front of them. He watched his brother as he pulled up his chair and kissed his fiancé on the cheek.

Damon questioned whether he had done the right thing in confessing his affections. More than anything, he questioned whether he would ever get to hear her response…

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