
Every night before I go to bed I hear the voice, the voice telling me I'm not good enough, telling me no one will love me, telling me I should just give up.

Sometimes I'll admit I'm tempted, but then I think about my sister and I can't do it.

She needs me our mum died when she gave birth to my little sister, and my dad died in a car crash trying to rush to the hospital to see my little sisters birth so we lost them both on the same night.

I know deep down my sister thinks I blame her for my mother's death but how could i, she wasn't even born.

I do miss them, I mean who wouldn't they were great people they always helped out at the local foodbanks and charities.

They were loved by everyone who met them.

When they died the town held a memorial.

Everytime I think of them all the memories come flooding back.

Like the time I went on my first airplane, my dad sang really loudly to make me laugh not caring about all the strange looks he was getting, or the time we went to italy, we spent the night at a really nice hotel, the next day we went skiing and I fell I didn't cry though even though it really hurt, my mum bought me a teddy bear and called me her brave little soldier.

I still have the teddy it's a little dirty but I'll always have it to remember her by.

Today when I woke up my little sister was crying.

"What's wrong?" I ask her

"I did it to mum didn't I" she wails

"You didnt do anything don't blame yourself."

My little sister is only five but she knows what happened and she blames herself.

She never wants to celebrate her birthday because she feels like we are celebrating mum and dad's death.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door.

I open it and see a guy with a dark cloak and a gun in his right pocket.

"What do you want?" I ask cautiously.

"Are you the children of Mrs and Mr wheeler?"

He asks putting his hand closer to the gun.

"Yeah why?" I ask he grabs the gun and holds it up.

I run back to my sister and grab her hand we run out the back door and along the winding road leading down to the waterfalls.

The guy must have brought backup because when he comes around the corner there are six other guys with him.

"What do you want!" I scream at him

"Miss calm down" one of them says

"You want me to calm down you just asked about my dead parents then pulled a gun on me! I shout tears rolling down my face.

"We're sorry we.." he tries to say before I interrupt him.

"What do you want with my parents?" I ask

"Do you know how they died?" One asks with a serious face.

"Yeah my mum died giving birth and my dad died in a car crash"I say looking at them confused.

"No" they say in sync.

I look at them questionably my interest suddenly peaked.

"Your parents were agents" they say

I stand there dumbfounded, unable to speak.

"Look if you just come with us we can..." He says reaching forward trying to grab my sleeve.

My sister pulls my back scared.

I grab my sister's hand and pull her towards the cliff edge with me.she nods slowly in my direction. Then we jump.

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