Describe the feeling of somberness without using closely related synonyms such as stern, depressed, or sad.

Try to use a variety of metaphorical devices to create an image that emits a sense of somberness.

Text That Ends It All

Chloe looked up from her knees to the shut-off phone on the table. The screen was cracked and a piece of the case chipped off. She didn’t mean to throw it. The moment Kevin sent her that text, she just did it instinctively. Slowly she brought her knees to her body, hiding her face underneath her knees. Chloe still remembered the words that caused her grief. “Something has just felt off recently. I know you love me but I can’t live like this Chloe. It’s over” her heart felt heavy. The air she breathed in was cold and hallow. Her head throbbed numbly as the tears subsided. Chloe couldn’t help look at the shattered phone once again, bringing the waves of despair washing over her once again.

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