Write EITHER a horror scene in the style of a romance, OR a romance scene in the style of a horror.
Consider the language, mood, themes etc that are typical to each genre, to create a twisted new style!
Fire eyes
He breathes down my neck, sending tickles and shivers down my spine. My throat his hot and it burns with every passing second. A hot hand grips my wrist and yanks me into the dark. I can’t breathe. Through the black I can barely see him, but I hatch glimpses, glowing eyes, blood red lips, a head of curly tentacles. In the dark he holds me, I can’t wriggle free, I’m stuck in his embrace. Suddenly soft lips clash with mine. My heart faces as fear pedals softly across me. His warm breath is close to my ear and is followed by more kisses. All the while his eyes glow red and the air in my lungs is ripped from my body. My skin is colder than ice but my insides remain a hot mess. Hands I can not see grab at my hair, and my neck, and my hands. I can not see anything but the dark and his ashy eyes. I can not breath for he has sucked away my air. It’s terrifying.