
It was a crisp Tuesday morning. I just got done with raking the leaves when my neighbor, Margret, steps out of her front door and waves at me.

“Good morning Charlie!” She says from her front porch.

I lean up against my rake, raising an eyebrow.

“Mornin’ Margret, what’s got you in such a chipper mood?” I ask.

She giggles, skipping down her porch stairs and over to me.

“Nothing really, it’s just a beautiful morning, no clouds in the sky, the birds chirping! What’s not to be happy about?” She beams.

I laugh, “Margret, you’ve got to be the happiest person I’ve ever met.”

“Nonsense, I know plenty of people just as happy as I am!” She smiles.

“You’re talking crazy Margret, I don’t think anyone could ever be on your level of happiness,” I reply, pushing myself off the rake.

“I can prove it to you, if you’d come with me to the shelter there’s someone 10x happier than me,” Margret says as she takes the rake away from me.

I sigh, rubbing the back of my head. Margrets always trying to get me to help her volunteer at the homeless shelter.

“Is this another one of your tricks to get me to volunteer?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.

It’s not that I don’t want to help out the homeless. I just feel sick when I see them. I guess it’s sort of a guilt feeling since I have so much and they have next to nothing.

“I promise, I just want you to meet him,” Margret persuades, giving me a her best puppy dog eyes.

“Fine I cave, I’ll come with you,” I sigh, giving in.

“Great! I’ll drive!” She exclaims, tugging on my sleeve before running to her car.




We reach the shelter and I feel my throat tighten up as I see some of the people living their tidying the outside.

“I don’t think this was a good idea,” I mumble as we head inside.

I follow Margret as we walk over to this older gentleman sitting with some kids.

“Robert, there’s someone I’d like you to meet,” Margret says, placing her hand on the mans shoulder.

Robert turns around and my heart swells up as I make eye contact with him. His eyes are gentle and loving, I feel like I could melt away when I look in them.

He breaks out into a smile and comes over to me, wrapping me in his arms and pulling me close.

“You must be Charlie, Margret talks about you all the time!” Robert exclaims, releasing me.

“I do not!” Margret huffs.

Robert starts to laugh and so do I. Soon all three of us our laughing.

“It’s very nice to finally meet you Charlie,” Robert says as he catches his breath.

“You as well,” I reply.

Robert turns around and picks something up from the table. He turns back, holding it out for me.

It’s a lollipop.

“For you,” He smiles.

“I couldn’t possibly take that from you. You need it more than me,” I decline his offer, shaking my head.

“But I’ve been saving it for you all this time. Ever since the first time Margret told me about you. I knew if I ever got to meet you, I would give this to you,” Robert tells me.

Tears fill my eyes. This man has nothing, he has no home, job, money, or food. Yet here he is giving me something he probably needs more than me.

I take the lollipop and hold it near my heart. Tears flow down my cheeks as I stand there looking at him.

I look to Margret.

“I think I’ve just met the happiest person in the world.”

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