The Underground Passageway

A hidden door to an underground passageway that might lead us somewhere or to something. How do we know for sure? So we end up going through the passageway to see what we can find.

So Andrea, Pixie, Pepper and I started our journey. We packed our bags and started walking down the road across the passageway. It looks dark and scary, so we turned on our flash lights so we can see clearly.

We headed down the path of the passageway. It was all good until we heard a sound.

“What was that?!” Asked Pepper

We all looked down on the ground and screamed to the top of our lungs. There were ants, spiders, and cockroaches. How frightening!

This certainly didn’t start off on a good start,but we kept going no matter how dark or scary it gets. We just have to keep going and never give up.

Away we go!

So the tiny little creatures decided to come along, but Pepper just stomps on every last one of them until they could no longer breathe.

« That’s so cruel Pepper! » says Pixie

« What?! They’re freaking me out! » Says Pepper.

“So! That doesn’t mean you should smash them to death!”

“They are living beings like us.” Says Pixie.

“So?” Says Pepper. “We have to go through somehow.”

“Ok let’s just keep going.” says Andrea.

So they kept going until they got stopped by a wall of rocks.

They all look so surprised with their jaws dropping down.

It’s as if they couldn’t close their mouths.

So they try there hardest to get the rocks out of their way. They were heavy like cement. One of them approaches the pile of rocks then they came push out. Someone was trying to look through it. It looks as if he was lost and found.

He helped us all pass by all the rocks. After that we made a fire, made s’mores and went to sleep. Then went home the next day at said good by to the guy.

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