I Need Help

“I need help!” Amira called to Vera. She threw another dagger at the enemy. Tendrils of smoke were blowing up in the distance and there was an urgent need in the air. The world was on fire.

“I thought you were the most highly trained Keeper in the Guild.” Vera mocked her before hitting her opponent with an ax.

“Shut it and give me back up!” Amira kicked the Blood Hunter in the face. She then bounced off his head to the next one. She punched him unconscious. She drew another dagger and threw it at another one.

“How did they even get it?” Vera threw a dagger at another one. She charged one of Amira’s attackers and stuck a branch in his gut that she’d grabbed off the ground. She did a backflip into the next one coming at her.

“Sage says there’s a hole in the boundary.”

“Ugh. I don’t trust that girl. The boundary was reinforced a week ago. There’s no way it broke this quick.”

They both knew this. _They_ had been on detail when it happened. They were supposed to oversee it. There was no way they made a mistake.

Sage was the look out on patrol. She knew what was happening at all times. She was rarely ever wrong about these things. There had to be a reason.

Amira sighed. She charged the last Blood Hunter and pushed him off into the Soulless Pit. She slumped down. She needed a rest. She was tired. This was the third attack on the Stone of Bones this week. They were getting worse and worse. Someone was getting in and this needed to stop.

“Vera, do a full perimeter sweep of the Dome.” She said.


“Vera?” She turned to see Vera on the floor, a Blood Hunter towering over her. “Vera!” She charged the attacker. She pushed the person away from the bleeding body. The attacker counter and pushed her to the ground.

They took off their helmet. It was Sage. “I’m sorry, Amira. I really am.” She said before stabbing her.

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