by Jean Wimmerlin @ Unsplash

Write a story or poem inspired by this abandoned place.


She stood in what would have been the front door. Of course the door was missing, the walls had giant cracks and the glass in the windows had long been shattered. Anyone else would have decided to destroy the place and it went against any and all logic to try to save this old run down house but she wasn’t listening to logic right now. Nostalgia and longing for her childhood home had taken over any logical thoughts to abandon this place.

It had been years since she was here but the memories still came flooding back as if she had lived here her entire life. Piles of sand flooded the door ways and she had to climb over them to even get inside but as soon as her foot crossed the threshold of the house she instantly felt a thousand times better. She placed her hand on the cracked and

Crumbling wall of what use to be the kitchen. She closed her eyes and once again she was ten years old again. Her mother was cooking stew and the flavors filled the house. She could hear her mother humming to an old song under her breath and she could just see her mother twirling around in the kitchen as she grabbed more ingredients. Her mother would let her have the first bowl before calling in her brothers.

Her two older brothers would have been out on the farm. They always had tons of energy and working on a farm was a good way to let off energy. Her brothers would come running in and tassel her hair and call her squirt. She would tease her brothers and they would pretend to wrestle with her until their mother told them to stop. They would sit down to have dinner and just as they were sitting down their father would come in. He’s kiss their mother and kiss her but not the boys because “boys don’t kiss their father” they would talk and laugh and their father would tell stories about the market and the strange people that came in. Eventually they would settle down in the living room and relax.

Life was so much simpler back then. That was before the sand storms began. Living in the desert they were use to a sand storm every now and then but then they started to happen more and more. Eventually they had to leave. Now, she finally had a chance to come home.

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