Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

Moon Tea

Seju pinched out a bit of Titan moon dust into their tea cup. To make the moon dust truly last, they had to ration it carefully. After all, there was only so much moon dust in the tiny blue bottle. Tage, the producer of this specific type of moon dust, only produced the moon dust in small (and expensive) portions. Next, Seju poured cool water over the moon dust, then stirred it slowly. Joron, Seju’s roommate, walked into the kitchen. “I’m surprised you don’t find moon dust gathering unethical,” Joron commented. Seju looked up from their task to peer at Joron. “You’re from Dione, right? One of Saturn’s moons? Don’t companies like Tage destroy moons through moon dust gathering?” Joron asked. “Well…yes,” Seju replied, “But Tage is……less problematic than most other companies. They, at the very least, only take moon dust from Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. It isn’t the best….but, I guess I just live with it.” “What about fake moon dust? Y’know, the stuff that’s supposed to mimic moon dust.” “It’s ok in dire situations, but they’re far from a viable solution. The ones I’ve had produced mixed results. Some hardly work, and even if they do, only for short periods of time. To be honest, it’s easier, and safer, to just use moon dust.” Joron nodded at Seju’s explanation but looked dejected. “Yeah….the situation isn’t…great, but it’s what we have right now,” Seju said with a grimace. “Don’t get me wrong, I know moon dust gathering must stop, and soon. I never want anyone to have to face what I did. I mean, losing your home, your family, friends….it-it’s not easy. Dione, my home, was destroyed because of moon dust gathering. It [moon dust gathering] wore away at Dione until it…well, broke. Even with the warning signs, it seemed to happen so suddenly. No one wanted to believe they were going to lose their home, so most Diones just ignored the warnings. That’s why so many were unprepared when it finally happened, why so many died when Dione broke. I managed to escape…not many did.“
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