
**Drip, Drip, Drip**

Every step is agony.

Blisters bloom on the backs of her ankles,

rubbed raw, torn open,

weeping in shades of red.

Her cotton socks,

now stained pink,

cling to her sweaty feet

like a second skin.

**Drip, Drip, Drip**

Each step is agony.

The sun bears down,

merciless, unrelenting.

She walks, heavy-limbed,

wishing for tomorrow.

Her lifeless eyes

stare ahead.

She trudges forward,

her path uncertain.

Her body begs for rest,

her soul for respite.

But she is denied.

**Drip, Drip, Drip**

Obligations press upon her shoulders,

heavy as stone.

The parched earth below

pleads for her tears,

her sweat,

her soul.

But she cannot stop.

No—she must not.

Others depend on her.

She serves a purpose.

And so,

she walks on.

Because her work is not yet done.

**Drip, Drip, Drip.**

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