Submitted by Lockitt Mobby

Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.


Sweating, I look down at my husband’s strained face. If I don’t do something NOW he won’t make it. But my mask has been torn away, and if I fly any closer to him, he will see me.. he will recognize me as the monster that I am and he will never look at me the same way again.. he may never forgive me.

It’s a risk that I can’t afford to consider. I throw my arms to my side and rotate my body into a deep dive, praying that I make it to him in time. I thank God for my heightened perception as I dodge the sharp branches of the forest I’m now swimming in, swiftly heading ever closer to where he lay trapped by the fallen Evergreen.

Any moment now… any moment. My breath catches in my chest with an anxiety only he can bring about in me. He’ll see my bright red bodysuit first, before he notices my exposed face… For a moment, he’ll be vexed, assuming MegaMight is here only to make a cameo and I’m sure he’ll hate the idea of cameras capturing him in this vulnerable state, before he becomes truly disturbed..,

But I have done all that I can to create a diversion - if the explosion of CityBank doesn’t keep the news crews busy for long, I’m sure the high speed chase I asked Bart to orchestrate will.

I know why my husband hates the Sups. He has been spot on about so many of his theories, but we’re not all bad.. and in this moment I’m grateful that I’ve been born with the speed and strength I need to lift an entire tree from his crumpled body.

A wave of uncapped fury pulses through me- for Fuck’s sake, he wasn’t supposed to be here! But I stomp the fire within me out just as quickly as it ignited. He is all that I love. I have to reach him. I have to focus.

I’m nearly to him now. I can sense his pulse now, 110BPM - he’s terrified… If only he could read my mind the way I read his.. I love you, I’m here to help.

He sees my face now.. oh God, he recognizes me… I love you, I’m here to help.

He’s screaming now, please I’m here to help, I love you!

Without explanation I lift the 20ft Pine up off of his tangled body, carefully moving his limbs out of harms way before doing so, and hurl it across the newly desimated forest ground. He’s free, he’s terrified and confused, he won’t let me lift him to safety - I have no choice, I use my mind to blanket his in darkness, he is asleep. I’m here to help, I love you.

I lift him effortlessly and embark upward out of the trees, the fastest trajectory to the local hospital. I pause only for a split second to take count of the havoc I’ve unleashed below, to say a silent prayer for the lives my actions have claimed. Then, we move.

We arrive 3.5 minutes later - dam, my emotions have slowed me considerably, I need to reel that in, but not now. I find a secluded area on the rooftop and gently lay my unconscious husband down. Then I use the heat from my vision to ignite a small fire nearby -a source to draw someone up here.

I fly upward again to ensure I’m out of sight, and more pointedly, off-site. I haven’t forgotten that my mask is still missing and my identity, everything that I am, everything that I have worked for, is at risk. And when the RNs rescue Dan, I leave. For good.

I hope he knows… I tried to help, I loved you.

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