Dantalion Revealed
Juan climbed down the ladder, entering a tunnel lit by shimmering amber lights. Stepping onto stone flooring, he heard quiet singing, a female voice nearby. "Hello?" He called out. "Oberon sent me. It's all safe now."
Following the sound of the voice, he entered a low wide room with a shimmering orange crystal at its center. There was a small elderly woman seated next to the crystal, and she slowly closed her prayer book while he approached. "Juan?" She asked.
Juan staggered and nearly fell. "Mom?" His mind whirled; this seemed impossible. He hadn't seen his mother since he was twelve years old, so many lifetimes and worlds ago. His breath caught in his throat and he began wheezing. His vision started to go black.
"It's OK, it's OK," she said softly, walking towards him. Juan first knelt, and then crumpled into a ball. He was crying.
"It's not real, it's an illusion," he wept. "I'm being punished for everything I've done, all the lives I've taken. I'm beyond redemption."
"Son," she said, stroking his hair, "you're exhausted. Rest. Find some peace. I'll tell you everything."
Juan fell into a deep and dreamless sleep. When he woke, he was disoriented, and relieved to find his mother still sitting next to him.
Sitting up slowly, he asked, "Mom, what are you doing here? Where's Dantalion?"
She smiled and nodded. "I am Dantalion, son."
"But your name is Anika," he said, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"Many of us have two names. I've been Dantalion for twenty years, since I left Golgonozza and joined the spiritual community of Urthona." She said.
"I have two names too: I'm called Gemini now." He said proudly. Something about being with his mother made him want to list his achievements and impress her.
She stroked his hair. "I always knew you would do great things. Can you forgive me for what I did to you? How I couldn't protect you?"
Juan leaned back. "Of course, but Mom, it's the opposite. I should have protected you. I'm the one who testified against you. Can you forgive me?"
Dantalion smiled and filled Juan with peace and friendliness. "The only thing I ever wanted for you was for you to grow up like every other boy and have a normal life. I don't think you've had that. You don't need to fret about anything that happened: I forgive you, and it's not the job of a child to protect his parent. You said those things in the hearing because your father told you to. You did what he said, just like we raised you to. Everything that happened was for a purpose, to bring us to this moment right now. Whatever you've done, it's done."
Juan leaned over and hugged her, holding her as tightly as he could. Gratitude washed over him. He had given up all hope of seeing his mother again, and now she was here. He felt the fear and panic melt from him. They could start again.