
Crash! Doom!

The pixelated explosions echoed through the crowded arcade. The piercing metallic sounds of coins being smashed into their machines. As well as the din of cafeteria orders and 80’s hard rock over the intercom paled in comparison. There was history being made at this machine and an audience was here to witness it.

The crowd amassed was focused, providing minimal commentary.

“Shit! He’s still going?!” The disbelief was on a constant loop amongst everyone within the circle. But only small utterances between select few so as not to disturb the player’s concentration took place.

“How long has it been?” Asked a younger boy, perhaps no older than the player of the game.

“Easily an hour. Maybe two.” Said an older boy in hushed tone directly in front.

“He hasn’t moved from that spot?” Does he eat, does he piss?” The younger boy continued his questioning enthralled and in absolute disbelief.

“Shush! I doubt it, he’s in the zone.” Quickly and low in tone replied the older.

“He’s gonna do it though, he’s gonna get set the asteroids new high record. Truly we’re watching a master at work. Truly we are witnessing history.”

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