"Hunt down the traitor, and bring them back to me alive."

Write a story in any genre that contains this piece of speech.

Warm Trails In Cold Places

Yonah stared at the black and white photos and files that littered the desk in his office. Once again they had clues but no leads. The son of a bitch had gotten away....again. This hadn’t been the first time....but he hoped it would be the last. A knock at the door had silenced his brooding.

“Come in,” he said.

The door creaked open. It was Levi, quiet and timid Levi who everyone had tended to ignore. “Sir?”

Yonah motioned for him to enter the room. “What have you got there?”

“Intelligence,” Levi answered. “You’re gonna want to see this.”

Levi handed Yonah the manilla folder. He pulled out more black and white photos of an odd looking man, his hair full of grey streaks and his eyes surrounded by a pair of black framed glasses. He didn’t look unsuspecting at all, an ordinary, plain clothed civilian at best.

But Yonah looked closer.

He saw it, the full, petulant lips, the razor thin white line of a scar on the corner of his chin. This was him. Any ordinary agent wouldn’t have been able to tell....but Yonah did. There was no mistaking that face, that nasty, arrogant mask that the sociopathic Dr. Faulstich was known for. That man had done more evil than anyone Yonah had ever had the pleasure of bringing to justice. Faulstich had tortured, killed and performed ghastly experiments on people Yonah and many others knew personally. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his hands around that doctor’s throat and suck the life from him...just as the doctor had sucked the life from Yonah’s family.

“Are you sure it’s him?” Levi asked.

“That’s him,” Yonah affirmed. “Where is he?”

“Hiding,” Levi said. “We’ve tracked him to Buenos Aires.”

Levi was suddenly overcome with an expression of determination. “Best you get to work then,” Yonah said.

“What do you want me to do?”

Yonah’s expression became hard set, his eyes glittering at the thought of finally bringing Faulstich to justice. “You hunt down the traitor and bring him back alive,” Yonah said icily. “It’s time that the Bastard of Buchenwald be brought to justice. After the trial there is no question.....the judge will see too it that he hangs inside the city square of Tel Aviv.”

Levi nodded and hurried out the door. At last, justice would be done on those who richly deserved it.

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