Write a romance story originating in a graveyard.
The location should be crucial to the story.
Six Feet
A graveyard wasn’t my idea of a date. Believe me if anyone suggested we go to a graveyard for a way I would have turned away right then and there, who could even think of romance when you’re surrounded by dead people
But then Julians car broke down. We were stranded. Triple A was at least two houses away and we were miles from anywhere we could stay in. After about thirty minutes we both got bored of waiting in the car. Julian suggested we go walk around.
“Sorta like a midnight stroll, that’s romantic right?” He asked, his face lighting up in the moon light. I was bored and he was absolutely amazing and cute . I kissed him and we stared walking. We found the grave yard after about ten minutes. For a moment we stood outside looking in. Julian was the first one to go in, he was the one who noticed the gate was unlocked as well. I hesitated but he grabbed my hand and looked at me with those soft golden eyes that were begging me to come. Eventually I let him lead me in. We walked in and Julian went to a grave. A grey plague on the ground with a vsparents ml teddy bear and flowers next to it.
“My father use to run a funeral home, he was the one who taught me to really appreciate life.” Julian said softly.
“ he would bring me to graveyards and tell me about the people, the stories he would tell”
Your father would bring you to a graveyard? The question just bubbling underneath couldn’t seem to find its
Way out. Julian looked back at me his golden eyes looking sad for a moment before changing again.
“I know, kinda weird right I mean, who ever heard of someone brining a kid to a graveyard” he said
“No I think it’s kinda cool” I said before
I could think about what I was saying. He looked away, almost embarrassed.
“Sure ya do” he said softly, sarcastically. I turned his head gently so he was looking at me.
“I do. Your dad wanted to show you about his work, he wanted to be with you” I say.
We both turn back toward the grave almost simultaneously.
Tim Adams
Father, loving husband, son, best friend.
The inscription read
I quickly did the math in my head
“45 years” I said under my breath.
“Such a short life but a well lived one.” Julian said. Neither of us said anything for a moment.
“It’s weird an entire life summed up in a short amount of words.” He said. Julian traced the years on the grave silently, studying them.
I had never known anyone who was so serious and careless at the same time. I wondered if that was why I was so attracted to him in the first place or maybe it was his golden eyes that shined in the day and night. We
Moved on to the next grave.
Peter king
We went through the graveyard row by row looking at the different name and the different quotes or phrases . As we were walking out, holding hands Julian looked at me. He leaned in closet until he was just an inch from my face
“Thank you” he whispered.. then before I could say anything he kissed me.