
there was no noise, no light that shone in her eyes to wake her. she couldn’t hear the birds chirping their usual song outside her bedroom window. now that she thought about it, she wasn’t in her bed. she was on a cold, hard floor. it felt like cement. then she was sitting up, panicked. but she didn’t get too far before she heard the sound of metal clanking together and a coldness around her neck. shackles. one around her neck and two encircling her feet.

she started to breathe heavily, the gravity of the situation finally registering in her groggy mind. she turned her head to look around frantically, but there was no light. she blinked rapidly to adjust her eyes, but that didn’t help much as she could not only see faint outlines. she made out square structure on the far left side of the room, and she could see a glint on top of it. a faucet, a sink. she couldn’t see much else, because her vision was blurred with tears.

Angela had been at a sleepover with her friends. one moment they were playing stupid games like truth or dare, and the next her friend, Amelia, was suggesting that her and her other friends, Olivia, sneak out to Amelia’s boyfriend’s party. being a typical rebellious teenager, she had excitedly agreed. the thought of an adventure like this excited her. and so they had tiptoed out of the house, and Amelia called someone to pick them up to take them.

Angela was a bit reluctant to get into a stranger’s car, but Amelia was quick to reassure her that she knew them, and it was safe. there they were, driving down the dimly lit roads, and Angela tried to ignore the pit in her stomach, the alarms in her head telling her to get out of that car.

the man in the passenger seat was handing Amelia a drink, which she took and downed quickly.

“want one?” the man had asked, glancing up at Olivia and Angela.

the two girls glanced at each other, having a silent debate. Olivia shrugged.


Angela was hesitant, but the way her two friends were looking at her expectantly caused her to give in. that and her. desperate need to fit in. so she took one, just one. Amelia was watching the two closely, seemingly waiting for something.

it became clear just what that was when Angela’s vision started swimming.

“what was that drink?” she slurred.

“just relax, sweetheart. it’ll be over before you know it.” the man driving spoke, a heavy accent laced in his words.

shit, she cursed in her mind, no longer able to vocalize her thoughts. she looked over and saw about three Olivia’s, and they were all passed out. she could feel that she was not far from doing the same. she looked a Amelia, who was completely fine. she almost looked guilty, but Angela wasn’t entirely sure. she had finally slumped down, the world around her fading into nothing.

she breathed even heavier than before. this time not from fear, but rage. Amelia. she had known something was going to happen to them. was this some sick joke? some prank that Amelia took too far again? then again, she had never done something like this before. but she had known, and she had been okay after the drinks. they only affected Olivia and herself.


she gasped and started to search the room as best as she could, which proved to not be very well at all. but she didn’t have to search long before she heard chains rattling across the room. she heard heavy breathing and then the figure started to scream.

“help! somebody help!” the voice, which Angela recognized as Olivia’s, yelled out.

“Olivia! Hey, it’s okay!” Angela tried to calm her so they could talk and think. “It’s me, I’m here!”

“Angela?” she breathed, panting.

“yes, yes. it’s me.”

“where the fuck are we?”

“i-i don’t know,” she paused. “i don’t remember anything after we took those drinks.”

“god, that was so stupid,” she smacked her forehead. “shit, i knew i shouldn’t have taken it.”

Angela stayed quiet, about to respond before she heard shuffling that was not followed by the rattling of chains.

“god, why did we even agree to go to that stupid party?” she continued to rant. “why-“

“shut up.” Angela spoke harshly, her eyes trained on the area she heard the noise come from.

and then footsteps descended.

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