
“Hey, hey! Wait!” I gasp, holding up my hands, damp shaking palms out towards the bulk in front me. I swallow hard, trying to catch my breathe. Salty sweat mixing with the undeniable iron tang of blood in my mouth. Wiping a wrist across my forehead, I glance towards to door. It’s too far. Though the adversary standing before me was of an intimidating size, clad from head to toe in the instantly recognisable grey uniform of the guild, I didn’t let myself forget the frightening speed at which it could move.

Slowly tilting its head to the side, almost wanting me to make a move, I had the feeling it was waiting for me to make an offer. After all, whilst they were known for being ruthless killers with impeccable skills, they were also known for being less than scrupulous when a higher value trade was available. I was in the slightly stronger position of now realising whoever had sent this hunter after me didn’t really understand the options available. The morals of the guild were usually exceptionally high, but this particular race had a whispered reputation for forgetting the rules on certain occasions.

It was becoming clearer with each passing second that she had paid for this. Only she would would make such a frugal mistake. I also realised at that moment that the creature before me had no idea of the worth of the item I had in my possession. Had it known, I would be dead already.

“OK,” I started, slowly lowering my aching arms, my mind frantically scrambling for alternatives, “OK, let’s start again. I know what you want. And maybe I can help you get it.”

The shape before me didn’t move. I could hear the distinct whine of the engines starting outside. I didn’t have long, five minutes at the most. The cold metal of the maintenance corridor walls pressed against my back. I only had one way out this room.

“Double. I’ll pay you double what she’s paying you.” The beast lurched forward, the bony mass of its cranium now clearly lit under the harsh fluorescent cyan light above. I could smell the fetid breathe, rows of yellow teeth closer to my face than I would have liked.

“Triple. Now.” I lied, “plus I can guarantee an additional payment once I’m off the station. There’s a contact on Alperson-1 who owes me big. It yours, all yours. No more questions asked.”

A snarled grunt in reply. It moved slowly closer. I recognised the obvious shape of the weapon held in its clawed grasp. No way it would miss if I made a move now. The engines outside now sounding louder, time was passing so quickly, I had less than a minute to make it to the transporter, having already negotiated an unacceptable sum for the pleasure of hiding in the bulkhead.

“And this.” Slowly reaching into the pouch of my suit, realising this was my last desperate option, never taking my eyes away.

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