
- I opened my eyes again and suddenly I was standing on a sprawling battlefield, surrounded by men charging each other from both sides.

None of the men had swords in their hands though- instead they chose to slap and punch each other. I watched as one man put another in a headlock, and slam him down into a nasty suplex.

I looked to my right and saw a man lying on the ground holding his stomach, and I seemed fo recognize him as someone in my army. I sprinted to him and squat down to try and help him.

“Sir, sir, are you alright?”

“Get out of here kid, do you not see that monster?!”

He pointed a band-aid wrapped finger towards a distant hill, and at it’s top stood massive human whose head was wreathed in clouds. His muscles bulged through the furs he wore, and he held a gargantuan Sports Authority baseball casually over his shoulder.

“Who is that?”, I asked, more in awe than fear.

“You silly boy, that’s Goliath! We have lost and need to get back home fast! His muscles are too big, and his bat is made of metal! He’s going to bully all of us if we don’t run!”

“No, he won’t, I’ll stop him”, I said confidently, surprising myself. I knew I should be scared of that guy and his bat, but if I ran away I also knew somehow he would bully us forever.

“Are you crazy kid? Do you not see how big he is? There’s no way you can stop him with that!”

He turned his band-aid-finger to my hands, and looking down to it I realize I had been carrying a slingshot in one, and a rock in my other.

Suddenly I felt powerful.

“Don’t worry”, I said. “I will beat him! He won’t bully us anymore!”

And with that I started running towards him. I’m not sure why, but in my head the possibility of defeat wasn’t real.

I felt the slingshot and rock in my hand, and with those there was no one that could stop me.

I blinked again, and I was standing at the feet of Goliath, looking up into his dark and angry face. The clouds that crowned his head turned dark and lighting cascaded around his eyes.

Those eyes looked down at me, and he let out a laugh that knocked me down on my back.


For the first since I appeared on this battlefield, I suddenly felt doubt. He was so much bigger than me and I really didn’t want him to beat me up - I started to think that maybe it would be better off if I just went home with the others.

“Stand up”, a voice said.

I looked around me but there was no one else there. That voice was too quiet to be Goliaths.

“Stand and defeat him.”

My hands started feeling hot, and looking at them I saw that the slingshot glowed a bright red, and where the rock once sat was now a tiny ball of fire.

“Uhm”, I croaked, “Slingshot are you talking to me?”

“Don’t be afraid child, I Am with you.”

Without further words I understood, and got back on my feet.


I picked up the ball of fire, and while it was scorching hot, I felt no pain. I set it in the sling and aimed it at the giants fat ugly head.


I was tired of him telling me what to do. I was tired of him bullying my friends. I was tired of his stupid voice yelling at me.

I let loose, and the flame became a comet that penetrated through the storm cloud and out the back of Goliath’s head.

I blinked again - and saw my ceiling fan spinning.

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