“That was the only lesson she ever needed to learn.”

Write a poem about anything you wish, but end with the line provided.

Life Lessons I Needed To Learn Sooner

She didn’t need to watch endless Youtube videos on how to properly contour her face in cake-like makeup.

She needed to learn how to develop proper study habits.

She didn’t need to drink alcohol to cope with her unhappy relationships.

She needed to learn how to walk away from those who were no longer good for her.

She didn’t need to punish and un-love those from her past.

She needed to learn that love isn’t only meant for one person. She could still love those who are no longer in her life.

She didn’t need to place more work on herself, picking up extra shifts, just to show she could.

She needed to learn how to create a healthy work and life balance, so she wouldn’t burn herself out.

She didn’t need to shy away from possibilities.

She needed to learn how to grow her confidence, rather than sit behind the fear of rejection.

She didn’t need to hold grudges.

She needed to learn to learn to live in the present moment, instead of punishing herself for her past.

She didn’t need to be scared of sharing her opinions.

She needed to learn the power in her voice, and that her opinions mattered too.

She didn’t need to put the world on her shoulders.

She didn’t need to pretend that she had everything under control all the time.

She needed to learn to make time for herself, even if that meant she pushed off her goals for another day.

She didn’t need to pretend that her hobbies defined who she was.

She needed to learn that she could enjoy a number of activities, without any of them defining her.

She didn’t need to pretend that she couldn’t sing.

She needed to learn that she’d rather than sing off-key than stay quiet.

She didn’t need to pretend she was better than the next person.

She needed to learn that her imperfections meant she could mess up, and that it would still be okay. People would still love her.

She needed to learn that she had made countless mistakes,

She needed to learn that she was going to continue making them,

But there was only one lesson she needed to learn:

In the end, she would be okay.

That was the only lesson she ever needed to learn.

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