Your protagonist finds out they're going to be a parent...

You can choose any type of character you like, but focus on their reaction and thoughts, and how they might go through a range of emotions.

Heart Hooked

“What?” Edmund looked at the man with his spectacled gaze, voice raised despite his introverted behavior. “What do you mean that child is _mine_?”

The man, whose name was Mr. Marlowe, brought out his handkerchief and wiped his sweaty nose. The child beside him, a tall girl with large amber eyes and oak brown skin, peered at Edmund from behind Mr. Marlowe’s leg.

“Well sir, you have heard that your grandfather has died, yes? Edmund Manner, good chap.”

It gave Edmund shivers every time he heard his own name. “Yes, I know he has; I was at the furneral.” Edmund pointed a rash finger at the child. “But what does _she_ have to do with it?”

Mr. Marlowe coughed again, then said, “Um, you see—“


“A maid, that’s who he bedded!” Mrs. Jennifer Manner shrieked at the news. “And now, after his death, the woman puts the child with _my_ son!”

Edmund, who was rather peeved at the situation himself but had used all his frustration cursing while he bathed, gave a shrug. Even though Jennifer and he were speaking on the phone. “She didn’t know grandfather died, and as you know I have the same name—“

“She should have kept the child to herself! Why the hell would _we_ want her?”

Edmund just sighed. “I’ll deal with it. Goodbye, Mother.”

Edmund hung up the phone with Jennifer still fuming about the situation. He turned to face his kitchen counter where the girl, whose curly hair was twisted into two small braids that went to her back, was sitting there quiet. Watching him.

“So,” he started, walking towards her, “your name’s Fanny?”

She nodded. She couldn’t be more than 4 with that face.

Edmund pointed to himself. “Do you know my name?” He asked, placing his elbows on the counter.

Fanny gave a small smile, twiddling her fingers. Then she pointed at him and shrieked, “Daddy.”

Edmund gave a frown. “No, I’m not your “daddy”. I’m Mr. Edmund. Mr. Edmund,” he said slowly, “Do you understand, Fanny?”

Fanny gave a slow nod, squinting her eyes.

“Alright then,” Edmund said, “What’s my name?”

Fanny closed her eyes. “Uh huh.” She opened them, a focused gaze in her eyes and a confident smile.


The man slammed his head on the table.


Edmund had to go to work, but Fanny needed a place to stay. She couldn’t stay alone in his apartment.

Thankfully, there was a childcare facility near where he worked. He had signed her up the week before, and now just finished packing her bag.

The girl sat on his bed, dressed in a pink dress and adorned with two little earrings in her dark ears, watching him curiously as he packed.

“I’m going to work with you, Daddy?” She clapped her hands. “I’m so excited!”

Edmund peered at her for a second, then zipped her bag up. He was used to her calling him her dad by now. “No, you are going to a childcare facility.”

Fanny froze. Her lip wobbled. “What?” She whispered, her voice cracking. “I thought I was going with yoooouuu!!”She screamed. Tears fell down her face and she shook.

“Ah! Wait! Wait wait wait!” Edmund dropped her bag and went over to her. His hand reached for the crying child, but then stopped, unsure on what to do.

Fanny knew exactly what to do: cry. “Daddy’s gonna put me in jail! Why, Daddy, whhyyy!”

Edmund hissed through his teeth. “Fine, fine! You can go with me to work this once,” he groaned, defeated, “Just please stop crying.”

She stopped crying immediately. “Ok!” She wiped her tears and scooted off the bed, grabbing her forgotten book bag on the ground. “Let’s go, Daddy!”

He was such a sucker.


(The idea is borrowed from an anime called “Bunny Drops” that I love. Sadly it only had 13 episodes, but they were all beautiful and heartwarming. The girl is much older and different than my girl character, though. So if you ever watch it, don’t be surprised. Anyway, thanks for reading)

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