Inspired by EnglihGirl112

She was the most adored girl in the room; all eyes were fixed on her as she waltzed elegantly across the floor. Little did they know the dark secret she was hiding...

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She was the most adored girl in the room; all eyes were fixed on her as she waltzed elegantly across the floor. Little did they know the dark secret she was hiding. Her dress kissed the dance floor, moving towards her as she slowed and flinging outward as she whirled with the music. In the distance she could see their eyes watching her. Peering into her soul, which had been emptied from the moment the crown had bore down all its weight on her shoulders. She caught a glimpse of his inset eyes as she spun. Her heart began to race, but she knew she had to finish this dance before excusing herself. Pride was not something she looked fondly at, but in this moment it was what she wanted. To prove that she could do this better than any other man before her.

The music slowed and she carefully excused herself. As she navigated the sea of bows, she could see him shuffling over towards her. How had she become Queen at such a young age, not yet ready for her life to be filled it audiences of people wanting something and men wanting to control her, including Viscount Donelle. He had been her fathers trusted advisor, yet he had his sights set in the young Catherine thirty years her senior did not deter him from wanting her hand. A match to unite the people, he called it, though which people she could not fathom. Her father has entertained the idea for a moment while her mother pushed to make it so. They had long talks about marriage and having and heir to the throne.

Viscount Donelle has slithered his way through the crowd and now stood in front of Catherine. “Lovely evening, is it not.” He stretched out his hand for hers, but she recoiled.

“Did you need something?” Catherine stiffened her posture. Her chest heaved under the tightness of her corset.

“I would like to take a walk through the moonlight. If it so please you.” The Viscount still holding his hand out. She would not take it. Not after he father gave her the ability to decide for herself. His last selfless act was to name her his successor.

“I would like a walk under the great moon.” She gently lifted her skirt and moved past the Viscount, who had yet to grasp her meaning.

“I shall accompany you then, my lady.” As his hand reached out, she snapped around.

“That will not be necessary. In fact your presence here today was unnecessary.” His face turned white. The music began to fade and rumblings within the crowd grew.

“I do not understand. I was your father’s advisor as I am yours.”

“While you may have been in my father’s good graces when he was King, I do not say the feeling has sustained. In fact I believe it is time for you to leave.” His fists tightened underneath his starched gloves,

“What an insolence!” A hush fell over the crowd. Catherine stood and starred at him, his eyes began to fade into nothing. “I am the one who worked tirelessly to keep your father in power. I gave my life to him. I was promised your hand and a seat at the table. I deserve what is owed to me!” He reached out to grab her arm, but before she could realize what she was doing her hand met his face with a loud smack. Shock set in as the whispers started to grow.

“You are owed nothing.” She was calm with her words. “My father promised nothing. My hand is mine.”

“You bitch! No woman can rule without a husband. You are too weak.” He was seething through his teeth.

“I am the Queen and you shall address me as such. I am not a child you can boss around or a woman who is owed to anyone.” The room fell silent as he debate his next move. She would not allow him the last word. Gathering her dress, she glided across the dance floor to a lone chair seated on a small platform. It was flanked by bouquets of flowers and draped with red velvet curtains with golden trim. Glancing at the chair, she could feel a tear in her eye for her father who had saved her from the fate she was believed destined to have. Turning to face the crowd, she lowered herself gently onto her throne and waved for more music.”

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