
Write a poem about an awakening - it could be literal or metaphorical.

i woke up

i wake up

i get dressed

i leave for work

i see the shoes you left that day and cry about how you left so quickly that you stepped barefoot in the snow

i get in my car

i drive to the corner

i get my coffee

i stop and stare at the table you told me some bullshit about how it was you and not me and left me broken on the seat at our favorite coffee shop

i go to work

i leave work

i wander the park

i cry again because we will never lay here and talk about how beautiful the sky is as it changes over the hours we stay

i walk to my car

i stop

i sit on a bench and cry

for the first time in months, i looks up to the sky and see the explosion of pink and blues as the sun says goodnight to another day

i sit there for an hour

i sit there for two

i think of how beautiful it still is even after you’re gone

i wake up

i get dressed

i leave for work

i stop by the door for a moment so i can sweep up your shoes and throw them in the trash as i leave my apartment

i get in my car

i drive to the corner

i keep driving

i stop by the bakery that one friend told me to try but never did because you didn’t want to

i go to work

i leave work

i sit in the park

i watch the sunset every night, not because we did, but because it has always been my favorite thing even before you met me

i love you, some part of me always will

but i know now that you weren’t all of me. i know even that you left, i’m still me. still the same person in love with the colors of the sun.

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