Write a story where your character eats something that doesn’t exist in the real world.

Perhaps it’s a meal from an alien culture or a magical form of medicine! Let your imagination run wild and come up with a creative dish!

Fairly Tale Freedom

Freedom. Not the kind of freedom where your sitting behind an office desk waiting for you paycheck and not the kind of freedom when your a kid, going where ever you want unless it’s past your cerfew or too far from home. I mean like in Lord of the Rings type freedomβ€” going where ever you want when ever, and having no one questioning your authority. I know it sounds real stupid, but what I would give to run amok on top a horse slaying orks and ogres. Nate Vacker the Great people would call me as they celebrate my recent victory. Then, once they party and celebrating is over I’d head off, not quite sure where I was going, but I wouldn’t care. I’d meet people like hobbits, wizards, elves, and dwarves, not real estate agents, bosses, and teenagers. I guess that’s want I want. But not what I can have. I guess I gotta be content with what I have. It could be worse.
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