I’d Rather Be the Ugly Stepsister

I am the Ugly Stepsister

The comic relief

the selfish foil to the maiden fair


But I was never one for dances anyway

I never longed to be a pretty face

I don’t want to be desired because of the way the small of my back fit another’s hand

what will happen when summer crackles to fall

I want to be loved with crow’s feet and laugh lines

and stretch marks

let’s face it the breathtakingly beautiful have it pretty easy

the assumption of intelligence and kindness that comes with a comely smile

I’d rather my battle scars decorate my skin

I want to be loved for what I have endured and what I can create

save the glass slipper for another’s soft feet

go toe to toe with over the patriarchy of class structure or how women are pit against each other sparring for the attention of menfolks and then criticized for being vain

or fat

or single

you want to tango with me princeling

Step up

Let’s dance

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