Submitted by Grégorienne
Write a poem based on the theme of anonymity.
When Anonymous We Write
When anonymous we write
We never need to feel contrite.
We can poke and jab and jeer
Without remorse and without fear.
We can pick on anyone
And need not say it was in fun.
We can wreck another’s life
Without a thought of our own strife.
Yes, our barbs can hurt and sting
Yet there will be no reckoning.
But ought we to think of one another
As our sister, as our brother.
For kind words are quite the same
Whether we decide to leave a name.
They always lift the spirits high
Regardless who the words are by.
Though it might seem quite absurd
To leave people with a kind word
Whether they know that it was you
It is the thing you ought to do.
So when anonymous I write
I do not need to feel contrite
For I will offer my kind words
Even if it might seem absurd.
For kindness costs me not a thing
But to the other it might bring
A ray of sunshine through the gloom
A fragrant blossom out of doom.
A few kind words might make you sing
Or lift you up on eagle’s wing.
So please think of another’s plight
When anonymous you write.
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