Art by Sans @

Write a Halloween-inspired story or poem which includes this character.

Umbrella Man

Once the rain starts, it is common knowledge to stay inside and wait until it passes. Not because people want to stay dry and cozy, yes that is part of it, but the main reason is the umbrella man. Looming in the rain and surveying every corner waits the umbrella man. If you are seen by the umbrella man you’re as good as gone. He holds a black umbrella and has a pale alien-like face with beady green eyes. Did I mention he never stops smiling. A smile that creeps into your head and makes you shudder as feel the hairs stick up on the back of your neck. A smile that reaches into your soul and possesses you from the inside out. Next time you hear the pitter patter start hitting your window, close your curtains, lock your doors, and stay hidden. Don’t be seen.

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