Submitted by G.K.
Donating your deceased body to science is now mandatory. A family member passed last night, and it’s up to your to get them buried.
Write a story based on this prompt
All my little sister wanted when she died was to be buried with my grandma at the old Grove Lutheran cemetery. April was the best little sister I could of asked for. She was kind, sweet, loyal and all around the best 16 year old there ever was. We knew she was out at a party she asked me to drive her and I said no just because I didn’t want to. So when I got the call at 1am I was worried. It was April’s friend Heather. She told me there had been an accident and I need to call my parents and get to the hospital. When we got there she was still alive and conscious. The doctor said that she only had a few hours left that, she wasn’t in pain and that she wanted to see us. I went to her room well my mom and dad asked the doctor more questions. When I walked in April smiled at me and said “ I know I’m going to die soon so could you do something for me.” I shook my head yes. She then said “ I know that when we die we have to donate our bodies to science but I would really love it if you could get me a spot at the old grove Lutheran cemetery, it would mean a lot to me.” I then told her I would try my best to get her there. It would be a lot of paperwork and hearings but I was ready to do that for my little sister. Just as I was thinking that April called out to me snapping me out of my thoughts. “You know it wasn’t your fault sis. I know you think it is just because you didn’t drive me and it’s not. I never should have gotten in that car with Ted. I know he’s trouble. I just wanted to go home and he lives just around the block from us and I didn’t know he had been drinking. I’m so so sorry.” “ No don’t do that this is not your fault I promise.” At that I started crying and so did April. She held out her arms for a hug so I cuddled up with her in her hospital bed and held her. My mom and dad came in some time later. Me and April had fell asleep. Then at 4:30 I was woke up to the one of the Machines that was attached to my sister making a god awful noise. That’s when my little sister passed away. From that moment on I had been trying to get her that spot beside my gramma. It took a lot of hard work but I did it. Thank you all for coming. April would have loved that you were all here for her. I then turned around to face my sisters grave and whispered “you were the best sister no friend I could of asked for. I will always love you.”