Duct Tape

(Just yk, quickly writing. Not the best lol. I’ve also been a bit obsessed with experimenting with formatting.)

The killer’s eyes, locked into mine, never drifted to my hands…

His mistake.

The duct tape ripped within a moment. My hands separated and with one swift move, I pinned him to the wall-

my right hand

around his neck

and my left hand

holding his wrist

with his knife.


He flinched at my voice.

I tightened my grip just enough

to make him uncomfortable.

“Don’t tie prisoners with duct tape.

Too easy to rip.”

“I can see that,” he croaked.

Smiling, I twisted his arm in a precise way so he would drop the knife. I picked it up before he even realized I was moving.

His face was priceless when I handed it back.

“You won’t kill me, will you?”

I studied his expressions. I saw






“I’ll take that as a no.”

“I guess not. You… surprise me.

You’re interesting.”

I smirked. “Coffee?”

He gave me a questioning look.

“You wanna meet up at Starbucks?”

“I mean… sure. Why not?”

“5:00 tomorrow. See you.”


I looked back, about to exit the sewers he had dragged me into, half-conscious and sort of amused.

“You won’t call the police on me?”

I thought for a moment.



“Do you want me to?”

He looked surprised. I smirked again.

“I mean, no.”

“I’m just odd, I guess.”

“Alright. See you.”

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