Write a romantic scene or story where one character's intense nervousness causes a problem.

Think about how people act when they're nervous, and what problems this could cause, whilst trying to link this into a romance story.

Wedding Night

Today was my wedding day, I was happy but nervous at the same time. I wasn’t nervous about the wedding itself, it was the after the wedding that made me nervous. I could not get rid of the nerves the whole time I was getting ready, but I kept it inside. Then it was time for the wedding. The doors opened and I saw him waiting for me. I was nervous but I need him. I walked down to him, as soon as he grabbed my hand the nerves went away. We said “I Do”. Then the minister pronounced as husband and wife. He kissed me and the nerves came back. We left to get pictures, were it was just the two of us. Pictures were over and the reception started, I was nervous the rest of the night. We left the reception and went to the hotel we were staying in that night. When we arrived, there was a sign that said “Welcome and congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph.” We want to our room. I walked into the bathroom, I washed my face and tried to calm down. That didn’t work. I then thought a quick shower would work. To I got into the shower and turned the water on, as i was doing that Mason knock on the door.

“Are you ok babe” Mason said

“Yes” I said

I got out of the shower and just wrapped myself in a towel, and walked out. I said to myself its now or never. I was still nervous but who isn’t on their wedding night.

Mason then said “are you sure you are ok”.

“I don’t really know” I said

Mason said “we don’t have to do anything tonight.”

“I want to, I’m just nervous “ I said.

“That is ok we can go slow, when you want to stop we can” Mason said.

“Ok” I said

“I love you and don’t want to pressure you to do anything you don’t want to” Mason said/

“I love you too and you aren’t pressuring me, i really want to.” I said.

Then Mason kissed my and all my nerves went away. It was the best night i could have asked for.

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