You Offered Me The Ocean

You offered me the ocean

I took it gladly

For I loved its character

And its strength

I loved the waves

With their never ending curls

The cream white foam

Tipped against the tops

I loved the ocean

Its vicious yet calming temper

Slashing at the shore

Then retreating gingerly

I loved the feel of the water on my skin

The abrupt chill

Of the water

Weaving in between my toes

Soaking my feet with salty joy

I loved most when the ocean

Became savage

Pounding against the rocks

The turbulent gushes

The ocean is a charm

A brooch that I will treasure

You offered it to me

I took it gladly

I loved its strength

I loved its character

And now I thank you

For a life without the ocean

Would be a life without wonder.

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