A year ago, you saw someone who looked just like you. Since, you've been seeing them with increasing frequency, and now they appear to be showing up everywhere in your life...
Continue the story of your doppleganger.
Mirror image
I looked back behind me and the girl was staring intently. She had the same broken face and dirty blonde hair falling long past her shoulders. I ignored it and walked away without looking back all the way until I got to the top of the hill. I looked back and she was gone.
A few months later, I was walking down the lane my hands brushing up against the foliage on the road side. I looked over the surrounding fields. The sun made it hard to see very far so I concentrated on the path. Something in my peripheral distracted me. I looked over to the field again, and Altair jumped out of my skin. The girl was back. We stared each other down for a moment and I finally managed to blink, but when I opened my eyes she was gone. The only way in and out of the field was via the road and she had just disappeared like that.
A week later, I was looking out of my window onto the hills and mountains when something caught my eye the girl. This time I knew I had not imagined her up. She was wearing a green floral dress with a pearl bracelet, and as I looked down at myself I jumped up from the windowsill. I was wearing the same floral dress and pearl bracelet. I ran down the wooden steps and flew out the front door and ran to where she was stood. She was gone again. I turned to look around but no trace or her at all.
I felt a tap on my shoulder which made me jolt backwards. She was there stood in front of me, but where had she come from. “Hello Ellie” she said in my voice. I was startled to see she had the same voice as me. “Erm hello..?”
“My name is Anna”
“What is your business here and why do you look like the mirror image of me it’s very unnerving”
“Because I’m you Ellie I am you”
I nervously laughed and took a small step backwards away from her, but she took the same step towards me.
“What do you want with me?” I said shaking in fear.
“I don’t want anything with you Ellie but there is something you would see”. She gestured to a gate that lead onto the farm outback.
“I’m not going anywhere with you until you explain yourself” I breathed cautiously retreating slowly to my front door.
“Ellie you need to see” she walked up to me staring me down like a hawk. “It will explain everything about your past”
“There is nothing I need explaining thank you” I said and ran back into my house and slammed the door shut
I could hear her pounding on the door. I was desperately trying to keep the door closed but with every bash she made I felt even more powerless. I shrunk to the floor as the door fell open. Then darkness