A Serial Injury

In the span of the past 5 years, there were a series of teenage girls who were gone missing. About seven disappeared in the town of Bakdeep, it’s a quiet town of 1500 people. Lots of private farm lands as well as the busy main streets, this mystery of the missing girls had the whole town in fear. Nobody knew what was going on and what to look out for, but people remained vigilant and the family of the lost girls never gave up searching. Though the detectives deemed it a cold case because of the lack of leads.

But one summer the case was suddenly solved, the news reported a mailmen who discovered the girls trapped in cages. Payed out cages inside a pit of this barn, how he even discovered them was a sheer miracle. He would bring a big amazon package to be delivered at this address, but no one was home to sign it. He started looking around and while doing so he heard some voices in the distance. It was coming from the barn, the voices started to get loud and they started arguing. The girls were saying how they are left for dead here, “maybe he is torturing us this way? No! He is gonna come back he just left for a while” “shut up! We are gonna die here and that’s it.” That’s when the mailman said hello, and they got quiet, then called out.

He saw them in these caged pits, they looked skinny malnourished. With wild hair and filthy cloths, like they been neglected for a long time. He was shook and tried to release them and asked what happened. They explained to the mailmen that they were each kidnapped at different times, and it was this big farmer who lives in this private farm with many acres. Far away from the towns hearing distance, because when he left for his supplies they tried calling for help but were never heard. He was keeping them as his private prisoners, feeding them when ever. Forcing them to act out plays or say things and punishing them when they didn’t obey. But he wasn’t around for the past few days.

Ok but what happened to him? They don’t know, so he calls the sherif and gets all the help from authorities. That day the detectives search the whole place, they find out what happened to him. He was in his private room of the house, trying to hammer a new cupboard. And while he was vigorously hammering away, a heavy vase bounced and hit him on the head from the wall. This knocked him out for a long while, his head had a deep wound. Expert says he was laying like that for a week, and might need medical care. His injury was very serious and might have already done deep damage.

As all the town rejoice at the finding of the girls, their families are out for blood. They come to the hospital to find out what happened to him, he is barely all there. In a vegetative state, like an ironic fate. The town demands from the sherif that he let them lynch this man. To serve justice and to make an example not to mess with this town. The sherif tried to remain reasonable, and on the side of justice. But the town started pushing him, and even harassing him Anonymously. Throwing bricks in his window at night, he finally has enough and gives them all the green light.

They drag the child abductor to the woods, the whole town surrounds him. He can’t even talk, but his eyes are still consciously there. Each family member of the girls has brought shotguns, while the rest of the town picked up sticks. The sherif gave them fives minutes to do physical harm but then to finish him off with the guns. The whole town took turns breaking his legs with sticks, then poking him in the ribs until he bleeds. Throwing rocks at his head, then after the five minutes. Ready...aim...fire! A large synchronized shotgun fire could be heard. Justice was served in Bakdeep that day.

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