Two friends discuss how they would rob a bank, using humour to lighten the tone...

two idiots and a gun

Anthony hulked the cigarette out from between his chipped yellowing teeth, grinning as he eyed the National Bank Of Amazing Things. It glittered with the first hints of morning sun from the sky.

“Jonesy!” He spat out to his friend, who was yet again trying and failing to catch an absent cokoroach on the sidewalk using a spoon. Out of the two men, Anothony held the final brain cell.


“We gonna break in there today.”

Jonesy’s eyes widened. “What ‘bout the fuzz? We’re gonna get caught if we don’t be careful.”

“Not with this,” Anthony smirked as he held up a gun from his satchel, making Jonesy recoil back in horror.

“You could kill someone with that, An!”

“Naw, you think I didn’t know that, boy? Now let’s head in.”

The two unbeknownst men headed off towards the back entrance of the bank, not knowing that the so-called gun inside Anothony’s satchel was none other than a Nerf gun he’d stolen from the local toy shop, with useless rubber bullets.

The pair climbed the ladder at the back entrance up to a nearby window, where they’d break in.

_Stop right there!_


“Dammit, An! I told you!” Jonesy wailed.

A deputy sheriff held the megaphone up to his lips as helicopters circled the men, blaring lights focused on them.

Anothony believed he still had one trick up his sleeve.

“Fear not! Behold!” He holestered the plastic gun, cackling. Quickly, he fired the rubber bullets at the deputy’s chest, only for them to bounce off hopelessly.

The sheriff laughed himself numb.

“Well, damn,” Anothony grumbled as handcuffs braced his wrists, and he, along with a sobbing Jonesy were led away.

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