Think about the last character you wrote or read about; what ten items would they bring with them to a deserted island?

Write an internal monologue from this character explaining the reasons behind their choices.

P-p-piglet’s Checklist

“O-o-oh dear” piglet whispered quietly. “I-I-I-I must not f-f-f-fear” as piglet contemplated and thought of many awful outcomings to this situation. Piglet grasped tightly, crumpling his measly emergency checklist. “A-Alright, f-f-first we must g-g-get my blankey” the sound of the lens rough surface shook Piglet from within. “Well w-w-which one to bring?” Piglet rambled to himself. “ oh dear. The pink? No n-no the striped, Oh dear! I’ll just take them all.” Piglet went down the list. “Alright, next: My stuffy, a lantern, 3 jars of h-honey (for Pooh of course) , o-o-oh and a pillow a-and a, a, a, oh d-d-dear! I’ll just have to bring it all!”

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