Art by Sans @

Write a Halloween-inspired story or poem which includes this character.

The Dark Wizard

Hi I’m Alana and I live in Japan.

I’m 16 and I have a sister named Lucy, who’s 12.

We lost our parents when I was 8, so I have to look after us both.

What happened to our parents? Even we don’t know, everyone told us they died in a car crash….but I’m not sure.

I try to stay positive but sometimes it’s hard.

I’m in my senior year of high school, so I have to work really hard. As well as working at the supermarket, so I can provide food and cloths for us.

With live in a tiny hut outside of town, it’s cold but not freezing.

I hate having to stay calm and collected for Lucy, sometimes I wish I could lock myself up in a room and cry for days…

But I can’t I have Lucy.

I’m trying to save some money so we can get a better house, it’s always been our dream to have a big house, but I don’t think it’s possible.

Halloween is coming up and I real,y want to get Lucy a costume, maybe we could even go Trick or treating?

But Halloween is in 3 days and I still don’t have enough.

Sorry Lucy, maybe next year..?

3 days later.

It’s Halloween and I didn’t get Lucy and costume.

I was about to break down in tears when I saw her hopeful face.

I have telling her we don’t have enough money, I know she’s twelve but still.

I told her I have to go for a walk and that I’d be back soon.

It’s getting dark and I’m lost in the woods…..

I’m terrified but trying to stay calm.

I’ve been walking around for what feels like hours.

It’s probably about midnight…I don’t know.

Wait…, I can see a house in the distant…. It’s a dark wooden two story house. The glass in the windows had been broken, probably some teen vandalism. I’m trembling…

My feet are barely moving… deep breaths keep walking, nothing will be there.

I’m about 3 feet from the steps leading up to the house now.


The steps are creaky.

Should I knock on the door?

There’s no way someone would be in there….right?

Knock knock….

“Who’s there?” And soft whispery voice answers my knock

“ just a harmless girl…..”

“Hmmm come in…..”

I’m scared to death…. It couldn’t be the….no it’s probably some Halloween prank.

But…. The whispery voice… the house in the woods.

It was all signs of the Dark Wizard..

But that’s some old myth right?

The Dark Wizard was a hollow sound with no nose and a skull head.

He always carried a black umbrella and had a blue butterfly brooch pinned on his black coat.

His skin was slightly tinted with green….

No absolutely not!

Alana run! Get away from this place!


I run so fast I thought I would fall over, but somehow I didn’t.

I was barely looking wheee I ran but eventually I emerged outside the forest.

But I didn’t stop running, I didn’t stop unto I got back to my house.

I burst into the living room where Lucy was finishing homework,

“What’s wro—!”

I grasped her in a hung so hard I nearly broke her bones.

“Sis, what’s wrong?” Her voice was shaking.

“Nothing…’s all ok, I just love you is all”

“I love you too…? I love you.”

I made a promise then to never let Lucy out of my sight.

I could have what happened to me happen to her.

She was to precious.

My little Lu Lu

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