“Out of Order”
Write a poem about something that is out of order - you could take a literal approach, or try to work in a metaphorical theme.
Out of Order
The machines continue to beep;
The slow metronome of life.
A countdown he’s willing himself to face.
Family drifts in and out; ghostlike in themselves,
Their expressions morbid; hope fleeting
But he watches nonetheless.
He thinks back on his time with them
The memories seem complete,
Guidance, wisdom, and sanctuary
He gave himself to them.
He hopes they’ll take those lessons learned
And pass them down to kin
Solidifying his presence forevermore
And a new life will begin.
So while he lies in a suspended state
Neither amongst the living nor the dead,
He’ll reminiscence about the time he had
And make things right with God.
As numbers on the clock rush by mocking his decline,
His heart struggles to keep pace, always losing time.
The world is closing in on him and darkness reaches out;
He makes not a single plea, but offers himself up.
He is out of order now,
Never to be fixed.
But his life is one of many
And will be cherished nevertheless.