Write a story titled "When I Look in the Mirror".

Slowly But Surely: A short

I used to look in the mirror and see a legacy, generations of lords and nobility staring back at me. My family’s honour standing before me. Now when I look into my reflection I see nothing but an empty face tainted by my own failings. A fractured soul The day I failed to save my own daughter from my own deeds. It was me who caused my own daughter’s death. It was me. I tried to hide from that fact for as long as I could and my sense of self preservation would tell me it was them, but now I stand a little straighter and realise that my own dealings with the wrong people was the root of the problem. I told myself that I was doing it for us, that giving them the information they needed would guarantee our safety. But when the information dried up they turned on me like the flick of a switch. I thought I had no other options but now I see that there is always a choice. Now I am alone in this world, no family, no friends. But I hold on to the idea that somewhere at the end of the line my angel is waiting for me, I just hope that she knows how unbearably sorry I am that I put us in that situation. Slowly but surely, day by day I regain a piece of my soul.
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