Inspired by Leona McNeil
Your character is sitting an exam that they absolutely must pass. Create a narrative focusing on their emotions during this scene.
Don’t focus on the event; focus on the character's thoughts and feelings, and how this situation affects them.
I’ll See You Next Year
I looked around the classroom. Everyone was bent over their papers, focusing on the exam. We have to pass it if we want to pass this class.
I bit my lip and turned back to the exam in front of me. I’d been studying extremely hard for this, because it’s my worst subject. And my second time taking this stupid class.
1. Who was president of the United States during World War 2?
Frick. Um… weren’t his initials the same as the two w’s in WW2? Or was that for the first war?
Woodrow Wilson was a president for one of them.
Wait, or was it that he had the double initial but it wasn’t w’s? Was it Ronald Reagan?
I know that Abraham Lincoln was president during the civil war…
I think it’s Ronald Reagan for World War 2, and Woodrow Wilson for World War 1. Am I spelling those wrong?
Whatever, next question.
2. What year did World War 1 begin?
No clue. World War 2 was sometime in the 1900’s so I’ll just say like, 18… 67. Perfect.
3. Who were the United States fighting against in World War 2?
I bit my lip. Germany, China, maybe Japan, Russia? Wait, how many countries were against us?
I’ll have to come back to that question.
4. What was the cause of World War 1?
My entire mind blanked. I couldn’t even remember our teacher going over this. Uh…
Because Germany wanted more land.
That’s a good answer, go me!
5. How many years did World War 2 last?
It was like, 50 years long, right? No, that’s way too long to be fighting a war. I’ll say 12.
6. Who was Winston Churchill?
Oh, I know this one. He was the leader of England. Wait, was he the leader? Is that was England calls them? No, because he wasn’t the king…
He was a general then? I remember him giving a speech. Perhaps like, an advisor?
Advisor sounds rightish. I’ll go with that one.
7. Who was the leader of Germany during World War 1?
I frowned at the paper. Literally, who even knows that? I know Hitler was World War 2 and that’s about it. I never even thought through that it was someone else for the other war.
I groaned. This is only the World War section of the test and I can’t even remember this stuff, how the heck am I supposed to answer the rest of the questions?
I flipped to the third page and randomly chose a question.
36. What started the French and Indian War?
Son of a. I literally know NOTHING about that war. I don’t remember being taught this crap.
I sighed through my nose as I read more of the questions and realized that I was absolutely and utterly screwed.
After filling in the few I knew and guessing on the rest, I stood up with the 100 question exam in my hands.
I’m figuring I’ll probably get about 23 right. Maybe a bit more if I’m lucky and the teacher’s sick of me being in the class.
Bringing the BS filled test to the teacher, I gave her an apologetic smile. “I’ll see you next year.”