by Adellanuki @ deviantart

Use this image as the setting for a story, poem, or descriptive piece.

Learning To Love Myself

i know it's pretty fucking difficult. i know it hurts like hell. i know you have a million thoughts in your head and you're i know it's pretty fucking difficult. i know it hurts like hell. i know you have a million thoughts in your head and you're repeating the same questions over and over. i know it feels like this pain will be forever and right now there is nothing ahead of you but darkness. i know you feel like you might not make it through. i know a part of you is questioning if it's even worth making it through. i know. tonight will be difficult as hell. and so will tomorrow. and maybe the night after. but hey you know what? you've been through this before. and you can do this again, you know you got this in you. i believe in you, you will get through it. you will get over it. just like all the times before. you will be fine. you will be ok.

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