Submitted by writerperson
'He will give you death, and you will love him for it.'
Use this sentence as the main theme for a story, or a line within it.
In The Hall Of Two Truths
The sense of dustiness weighted in the air, like feeling bits of remaining sand in your socks.
From a gloomy corner, you could see him, with his scales, and in one hand holding a feather, a look of intense delight opened like a fan across his face.
Twanging, a sound like a harp, although one could not be discerned - almost a pulse, a beat, or a fast.
I knew the deal. If my heart were heavier than the feather, my soul would be devoured. The very thought sent a chill down my now non-existent spine. But still I could feel these things, why was that?
“You need to love me” he said, a smile like a dark angel forming through the gloom.
It was uncomfortable here too, the cold prickling contrasting with a sweaty pausing. I wanted it to hurry up and be done with.
“I do” I said, though I knew that was a lie. Did he?
My heart looked forlorn in his hands, and it may have been my imagination but I felt like it was still beating, it wasn’t ready to stop.
It wasn’t ready to tell this truth.