Submitted by by Laura Melvin

"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!"

Write a scene or story which begins with this piece of speech.

The Happiest Person

“I think I just met the happiest person in the world.” Polly sneered. Her red hair fell over her face as she leaned against the chair’s arms. “What a wonderful sight.”

Katy’s lip was dark with blood, and her blonde hair tainted with the rusty color. Still, she had a smile on her lips. “What’s wrong with being happy when I know that I’ll win?”

“In what universe? On what planet,” asked Polly. “Your here with me. The one you hate the most.”

“And who said anything about hating you?” Katy had a sweet innocence to her tone, and leaned her head up to Polly’s ear. “Why, my darling, I love you.”

Laughter bubble up Polly’s throat, throwing her head back. “You? Love? Oh, honey ... You only say such that if you’re capable of love.”

Katy raised a thin brow, her smile falling into a scowl. “And you need to learn when to lie, Polly. It’s quite simple, actually.”

“That’s the thing; I’m not a liar.”

“Polly, darling, I’m sure you’ve lied to those people out there.” Katy nodded her head towards the door. Behind it, hundreds of people stood, their hopes high that Polly had killed Katy. Katy had killed over a third of the population, and Polly vowed to end her.

With a sigh, Polly shook her head, and grabbed the dagger that sat on the table beside her. “I’m sorry, love.” She slid the blade across Katy’s throat. Blood splattered against her face and clothes, but she ignored it.

The dagger clattered to the ground, and Polly licked the blood of her lips. The metallic taste felt nice on her tongue.

“Time to handle these people,” said Polly. Her fangs slid out of her gums, and the once blue pupils, turned a deep red as she longed for more blood.

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