The Sawsip Valley

To the north and down east there is a mountain range known as the Sawsip mountains. On the valley below, no matter where you are, you can see the mountains jutting up and looming. Northwest of the Sawsips is a large city, which the founders of named Dravos. Standing in the city center is an enormous black tower which contrasts sharply with the rest of the city. It looks out of place amongst the other buildings and homes because of its size along. It is 72 stories high, and takes up several city blocks.

A huge forest is south of the Sawsips, in an enormous valley. Called the Namretaw Forest, but most people just refer to it as the Forest. Dark and lush, no one really enters the forest if they can avoid it. Most travelers stick to the roads that connect small villages throughout the valley. There are a few that live within the forest, but they are few and far between. Twenty miles southeast of Dravos is the first village, Lillium. It is the largest village, and those who choose to move onwards towards Haven often find themselves in Lilium. South of Lilium is another, much smaller village, and further south stands Haven. Haven is a village in size between Dravos and Lilium. It is right in the southernmost edge of the Sawsip mountains.

There are several creeks and rivers that flow through the valley, the largest river flows down from the northern Sawsips and bisects the valley. This river is called the Banks River after an explorer named Josiah Banks.

The majority of the story will take place within the Namretaw Forest and the surrounding area.

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