by Rayson Tan @ Unsplash

You are walking down the street, when you look up and see this. Continue the story...

The Ufo

I look up in the sky and see a UFO landing down. I get scared running to my house hiding in my bed next thing you know it’s like a earthquake shaking back-and-forth back-and-forth until it stops and then this weird two headed men, walked into my room, pull me out of my bed and take me to theship a I yelled as long as I can, but no one could hear me I don’t know what to do I get thrown onto the ship and take into the big room with one chair and handcuffs on the chair. they dropped me down I can’t I still can’t talk, but the aliens come in talking to the language I never heard before I yell I can’t understand you they take out this weird looking device and stick it into my leg is hurt. I yelled, but then all the sudden, I can understand what you’re saying. They said we don’t want to hurt you, but take us to your leader or else we will hurt you I told them OK OK I will. I took them to the White House and told them them that’s my leader they let me go but unfortunately they don’t take me back with it for where I came from because I’m not from DC. I’m from Utah, so yeah, little bit of way the way, but then all the sudden there was a big boom at in the White House and all the sudden it just collapses on itself. I feel so bad because it was my my doing that all the sudden they leave without saying anything they just leave there’s not even one scream everybody is so shocked on what just happened 30 minutes go by this panic, the president is dead. The vice president is dead everybody’s dead. I thought to myself why did they do this? Why did they do this then all the sudden I was transported to a unknown world called B beck bed which was the home planet, for some reason they picked me over everybody. I asked him why the main alien. The chief commander all this is happening. He told me you are the most pure hearted human in life you need to run the earth and not these government people that you have at your earth is so weird, but I like the idea so long story short I become president of the world and it’s fun I get to control everything but with the aliens help

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