Office Sweat

Just three hours in to the shift of a young twenty-two year old woman, the sweat of summer had begun. Clacking of keyboards filled the spaces of office cubicles with an ever more vivid dullness, that matched the shades of greys, blocking social interaction between colleagues. Bright rectangular lights glared downwards -spotlighting each worker- only for the world to never see them. In an office full of writers they were all credited to one stupediously bland name, ‘News Today’.

Within the maze of writers Hallies shift had been distinctly unpleasant. You may ponder how something could be so retched, only three hours in, but with that vengeful sunlight and lack of air conditioning, these things tend to become uncomfortable.

To begin, the shift was the usual, one cup of black coffee to keep her eyes violently focused and removing a deep navy blazer when it became too warm. Two hours in and it was endurable but after three, the temperature rise became unbearable.

Unnatural pinkness formed on Hallies cheeks, with it folllowed a textural torment becoming from dampness and skin. The notion of ripping her shirt of felt like an addiction she couldn’t afford, but it was vital to be defied. With her white shirt slinking to her lower back, she had no choice but to neglect her needs.

Like everyone else Hallie was doing everything to ensure the avoidance of a higher up. Writing too slow, muttering words to yourself would set you up for a talking-to, tending to lead in a harsh firing. So simply everyone attempted to do the opposite.

Typing as rampant as feasible, a salty liquid flicked from Hallies nose dripping on the keyboard below her worn fingers. It couldn’t distract her from this piece -on why not to let your dogs in a room with incense- and focus was demanded from the strolling man who watched everyone.

Named only “Sir” by lower ranking workers, he scouted out for mistakes, he would lurk in an unpigmented shirt and grey silk tie, that matched with plain ashy trousers. Sometimes he’d pass Hallie with stacks of paper, that he’d plant on his next victim, who had to finish the two-hundred pages within the day, or else they’d never come back. And right now he widely strolled to observe the row Hallie resided on.

“Hallie Jenkins” a subtle flick of venom coated his tongue.

Hallie in her already stressful state questioned “Yes Sir?”

“Wipe that sweat off your head immediately.” He threw a rag of tissue in her general direction. And with that he left her with a stomach spinning as she wiped clean her panic.

Rotating back to face the screen, Hallie tumbled her pens onto a colourless rug. She lent down with a huff and her seat creaked with her exhale. Managing to collect all the black pens in one scoop (she flipped her head back up) only to be caught by her walnut desk. Teeth clenched together and sweat shot down her neck, as her head swelled. No one had turned to look towards the loud clunk of bone on wood, but then again they weren’t allowed to.

Praying to deter from the noise she created, Hallie smashed her keys firmly, as if to ignore of her aching head. However, it only added to the throbbing sensation, now reaching her ears and rewarding her with a belting headache. Reaching toward her forehead ,in an attempt to relieve pressure, she found only more sweat. To herself she thought, this couldn’t get worse.

Along the fourth hour showed itself, to Hallies misery. Fingers blistered, eyes burnt from a bright screen, sweat lingering and staining her shirt, dreariness looming and coffee completely chugged. For the first time since arriving, Hallie stood. She decided another coffee could provide motivation, at this point awareness had to be forced.

Peering out of her claustrophobic space, she fumbled to the coffee machine at the end of the lacklustre hallway. Finally, the woman could stretch out her crackiling bones. Her hand clasped against a cheap cardboard cup and balanced it on the sticky surface of the machine. Pressing the button to pour out black liquid, each leg slowly paced within a four foot area. Beep. Beep. Coffee was ready.

In fear of taking too much precious time, Hallie grabbed the cup and rushed to her station to settle. Hot coffee wasn’t the best choice for the weather but it’s the only choice. Continuing on a new article, about top 10 men who beat the industry, she extended towards her piping hot drink.

Five seconds, is all it took. One, picking up the coffee. Two, feeling intense heat on her slippery hand. Three, a loosened grip. Four, a drop. Five, a zap…

Eyes rolled backwards into the young womans head, her fingers stuttered and her heart twitched. Gasps ran out of her mouth and her chair snapped collapsing her to the ground.

“What the hell is going on Hallie, I can hear you thumping around! More work for you!” striding over impatiently was the same man preparing for a punishment. He turned the corner of the small cubicle with a swift action. But no longer did his eyebrows connect towards his forehead, they jumped up as if he were worried?

On the floor black coffee was littered, flecks of plastic from the cheap chair and Hallie lay on her back, eyes closed. The man didn’t know what to do in this situation, he wasn’t one for helping, usually more for worsening. A hand lay upon his shoulder, the lady from HR demanded him to call an ambulance.

Hallie was pulled out of the office on a stretcher, being left till paramedics could relocate her. No one could touch her, electrical shock, co workers retorted to each other as she was hauled to the hospital.

An office sweat left the young woman in a hospital bed for two days. Coffee spilt set off a cheap keyboard. But with that reasoning, a cheap keyboard, the office of ‘News Today’ was investigated for negligence in connection to their employees.

£600,000, the money they settled in court. Hallie was freed with money to jet her own career to the world. As for the future of the office, it was found that all equipment was faulty; that the coffee machine was a burn risk, the overworking was illegal, many computers had exposed wires and there has been no air conditioning.

Hallie Matthews had destroyed ‘News Today’. Workers were each given £1,000 for their safety being violated. Each person relocated to better workplaces. Many jobs were offered by newspapers and research sites after the news today was Hallies accident.

As for me, my blog is doing just fine.

-Hallie Matthews

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