
The day I heard the news, I didn’t know if I was happy or sad. I was confused. What on earth would possess my parents to live off the grid? They though I would be happy to move, but I had to leave my friends and relatives. The only reason we were moving is because dad got fired. Takayama wasn’t an ideal place to live in my opinion. Sure, I’ve always wanted to go to Japan, but not like this! I wanted to go to the bustling city, not this rural community! It didn’t matter what I had wanted because we were moving anyway. What kind of social life can you have if you live off the grid? My parents said it would be a nice experience. In some ways, they were right.


I woke up in my small window bed, the sunlight streaming in. For once in a long time, I smiled. My parents weren’t awake yet, I could hear my dad snoring. I left them a note and slipped out the back door, leaving just enough time to snatch my coat before the door closed on my fingers. Even though it was early, the stores were bustling with workers and customers. I wandered along the streets, but no stores seemed appealing. Finally, at the end of the street, was a small empty store. It was filled with small old trinkets. I wanted to go inside, but it was closed. There was a sign in the door, it it didn’t say when the store opened. I tried the door, but it was locked. I saw someone moving inside. I wiped a small hole in the dust covered window, just big enough to see through. Maybe one day I would be able to see inside the shop. For now, I would have to wait and see. I would be spending much of my time here. I walked away from the shop. What was the name of it again? Oh well. It was already time for breakfast. I headed back to my home. This time with a smile.

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