Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

The Rock

It was just a rock. Well, then again calling it just a rock is a bit of an understatement. I suppose technically it’s a bolder, though how large it truly is still remains unknown. Dark grey in color, rather unremarkable except it existed on top of the hill. The rock, round and large enough to fit our friend group was the meeting place, base, spaceship and a slue of many other things.

Though I thought the rock remained the same. Time did show me that even it had small imperfections that if went unchecked, caused cracks and small chips of rock to fall off.

We never knew our last meeting was our last. You just assume the gang will meet again there tomorrow like we always did. It wasn’t until years later as our group was splitting up to go to different schools or to simply move away. Only then did I realize that I may not get another chance to see that simple, large, unremarkable stone on the hill.

The path we made traveling back and forth from the rock had grown over. I nearly lost myself if not for one simple rule. Go up the hill. And there it was, silent and sturdy. Remaining still all this time. Our base. Our clubhouse. Our rock.

I stood there next to it, looking over the small details that I had forgotten and the ones I remember. Just like my friends, my family, my school so too did I say goodbye to that rock. Thanking it for existing, for being a part of my life.

I hope one day when I’m older and gray to return there. Climb that hill and show my kid that rock. Tell them stories of when I was younger and the fun we had. For now though, its not a goodbye but a see you later. As I go on it will remain, our rock on the hill.

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